안녕하세요! Hello! Oi!

First I would like to thank Mintech to have accepted me as an international intern and let me to experience all that I have had during my internship period. Since I arrived in Korea, everything was a challenge for me and I did not expected less from the internship in a real Korean IT company. I entered at the company on January 2nd and I met my mentor Jin Changhoon who was very kind since that day and the others who also were very receptive.
During the first two weeks I was introduced to Android Programming Language, thus I learned many concepts, where to look for help/libraries, met many softwares to use during any development and gladly, this have awaken my willing to learn even more this programming language.
After that, I faced the Ruby on Rails, a powerful open-source web framework, which I got amazed how everything works and sometimes doubts came up about how all the magic implemented on this incredible framework really works well. Developing for Web from scratch to deployment was not so easy as it is using Ruby on Rails!
In February, I started learning the Objective-C Programming Language to develop apps to iOS. I have never touched an Apple device before, and I really enjoyed developing for it, once it is very intuitive and productive. (*** YES, I had a MacBook Air only for myself to develop the apps =D ***)
And to finish, I created an app in iOS and the same in Android to communicate both with Ruby on Rails.
My objective in this company was to get as much knowledge as possible in mobile and web development and I honestly have to say that I have had success on that. I feel satisfied with everything that I learned and I keep on wanting to look for more knowledge in the computer field.
About my daily life, it was not easy at all. It was 9h in the company per day and life in Seoul is very expensive and stressful. Everyday I tried a different Korean dish that I did not experienced before and actually I did enjoyed every bite of Korean food (veeeeery different from university food). The company is located in the Garosu-gil street, known as a very famous for fashion and expensive region in Gangnam, thus, there are many kinds of restaurants and coffee shops around the area we could enjoy together with the Mintech Team.
The only problem I see during the internship is the language barrier. It is not good to going out for lunch and do not understand at least one joke. =/ . English was the salvation, but very limited. I hoped to know more about every worker in this company, practice more and laugh more during our meetings, sharing our thoughts.
In overall, I do recommend this company for internship and for those wanting to learn about the topics mentioned above and especially the Korean lifestyle. At Mintech an IT student will be in touch with new technologies, live a Korean environmnent and learn a lot professionally and personally.
Thank everyone very much and I am sorry for not meeting each other more because of my poor Korean!
Hope to see you again someday.

Thales Brant Ferreira
KAIST Student and Brazilian Intern (Winter-2014)
email: thalesbrante@gmail.com
fb: thalesbferreira

First I would like to thank Mintech to have accepted me as an international intern and let me to experience all that I have had during my internship period. Since I arrived in Korea, everything was a challenge for me and I did not expected less from the internship in a real Korean IT company. I entered at the company on January 2nd and I met my mentor Jin Changhoon who was very kind since that day and the others who also were very receptive.
During the first two weeks I was introduced to Android Programming Language, thus I learned many concepts, where to look for help/libraries, met many softwares to use during any development and gladly, this have awaken my willing to learn even more this programming language.
After that, I faced the Ruby on Rails, a powerful open-source web framework, which I got amazed how everything works and sometimes doubts came up about how all the magic implemented on this incredible framework really works well. Developing for Web from scratch to deployment was not so easy as it is using Ruby on Rails!
In February, I started learning the Objective-C Programming Language to develop apps to iOS. I have never touched an Apple device before, and I really enjoyed developing for it, once it is very intuitive and productive. (*** YES, I had a MacBook Air only for myself to develop the apps =D ***)
And to finish, I created an app in iOS and the same in Android to communicate both with Ruby on Rails.
My objective in this company was to get as much knowledge as possible in mobile and web development and I honestly have to say that I have had success on that. I feel satisfied with everything that I learned and I keep on wanting to look for more knowledge in the computer field.
About my daily life, it was not easy at all. It was 9h in the company per day and life in Seoul is very expensive and stressful. Everyday I tried a different Korean dish that I did not experienced before and actually I did enjoyed every bite of Korean food (veeeeery different from university food). The company is located in the Garosu-gil street, known as a very famous for fashion and expensive region in Gangnam, thus, there are many kinds of restaurants and coffee shops around the area we could enjoy together with the Mintech Team.
The only problem I see during the internship is the language barrier. It is not good to going out for lunch and do not understand at least one joke. =/ . English was the salvation, but very limited. I hoped to know more about every worker in this company, practice more and laugh more during our meetings, sharing our thoughts.
In overall, I do recommend this company for internship and for those wanting to learn about the topics mentioned above and especially the Korean lifestyle. At Mintech an IT student will be in touch with new technologies, live a Korean environmnent and learn a lot professionally and personally.
Thank everyone very much and I am sorry for not meeting each other more because of my poor Korean!
Hope to see you again someday.

Thales Brant Ferreira
KAIST Student and Brazilian Intern (Winter-2014)
email: thalesbrante@gmail.com
fb: thalesbferreira